The Time-Consuming Journey of Setting Up Your Electronic Health Record System


The Time-Consuming Journey of Setting Up Your Electronic Health Record System

In the age of technology, Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems have become an indispensable tool for healthcare providers, streamlining patient data management and enhancing overall efficiency. However, setting up your electronic health record system is far from seamless, requiring careful planning, data entry, and coordination. Explore vital pre-patient tasks in EHR implementation, often overlooked yet critical for seamless healthcare provision. Drawing from personal experience, we’ll delve into the advantages of entrusting these tasks to well-informed staff and the importance of thorough preparation for a successful EHR system transition.

The Unseen Effort Behind EHR Implementation:

While EHR systems offer numerous advantages, they don’t magically appear ready for use. Behind the scenes, many details must be entered and created specifically for each practice to ensure its success. EHR complexity can surprise providers who took these systems for granted until they had to implement one themselves. Thus, it is essential to acknowledge the time-consuming nature of this endeavor and be prepared to invest sufficient effort.

Delegating the EHR Setup:

Given the intricacies of setting up an EHR system, it is advisable to delegate this responsibility to a knowledgeable individual, such as a manager or billing manager, who possesses a strong knowledge base of front-office and back-office processes. Delegation lets providers concentrate on vital tasks, staying involved as needed and during training sessions in healthcare. Choosing the right person for this role can significantly impact the success of the setup process.

Collaborating with EHR Representatives:

The representatives assigned by the EHR company during the setup phase play a crucial role in guiding providers through the process. They offer insights into when a doctor’s input is required and what tasks can be delegated to other team members. Leveraging their expertise ensures that the setup is comprehensive and tailored to the unique requirements of each practice.

Navigating Billing and CPT Codes:

One of the significant tasks during EHR setup involves entering the necessary CPT codes for billing purposes. While common codes may be available, additional ones specific to the practice may need to be added manually. This process is time-consuming and requires a strong understanding of billing and coding practices. The delegated individual must compile a list of regularly billed CPT codes, verify their reimbursement status on the Medicare fee schedule, and determine the appropriate billing units for each code.

The Complexity of In-House Procedures and Medications:

Entering in-house procedures and medications into the EHR is another essential task that demands precision. The designated person must create detailed entries for each procedure, linking them to the appropriate CPT and ICD-10 codes. Moreover, they must ensure medication NDC codes are correctly associated with the corresponding treatments. The right billing units must also be specified for medications, requiring meticulous attention to detail.

Designing Visit Types and Scheduling:

Creating visit types, assigning colors to each type for easy visual identification on the schedule, and linking time frames to specific visit types are essential for efficient scheduling. Delegated personnel must work closely with providers to establish a generalized template for each provider’s schedule, simplifying future scheduling tasks.

Patient Paperwork and Engagement:

Incorporating patient paperwork into the EHR is crucial for enhancing patient engagement and streamlining administrative processes. Delegated staff must ensure that all patient information is accurately captured in an easily accessible format, allowing patients to complete their paperwork electronically.

Implementing an Electronic Health Record system is time-consuming but vital for any healthcare provider. Delegating these responsibilities to knowledgeable staff, working closely with EHR representatives, and thorough preparation are key factors that can make the difference between a successful and challenging implementation. Investing time and effort to establish the system correctly from the outset enables healthcare providers to enjoy enhanced efficiency. This results in improved patient care and overall operational enhancements over time.